domenica 13 novembre 2016

MFW: CO|TE SS17 Collection

CO|TE SS17 Collection.
Basic colors, classic shapes and a touch of glam.
easy but absolutely chic, CO|TE SS17 Collection is so gorgeous.
for next spring summer, CO|TE not only push in white, so trendy again, but also in floral print, confort and cozy long skirt and in shirt as short-dress.

do you like this collection?
Personally, I really like some pieces as shirts and a print trousers.

sorry again for my inconstancy, but I'm trying to do everything that I would like to do (press officer and blogger in the same time) but at the moment, I'm so busy at work and sometime it's impossibile to be able to do both.

Have a nice day!

domenica 16 ottobre 2016

MFW: Mariù DeSica SS17 Collection


Being the reflection of nature, sky and atmosphere.
Mariù DeSica SS17 Collection represents an elegant femininity, lightweight with a strong character for powerful and decisive women.
Blue lines mark the time on canvas fabrics, the lightness of organza reminds nature, like mint green, rose and yellow touches that enliven the garments with voluminous ruffles.
Geometric lines and refined style .
Personally, I really like this collection.
Very congrats to Mariù DeSica.

Have a nice day!!

mercoledì 12 ottobre 2016

LFW: PA5H SS17 Collection

An old racing jacket uncovered from a vintage market sets the tone for PA5H's SS17 Collection, Tyred.
With more than a nod to Formula 1 and the early '90s, bold reds, stylized jumpsuits and unique textures take centre stage alongside sportswear elements inspired by urban American subculture.
Vinyl textiles and light wool are contrasted with stone wash denim accents and metallics, whilst optical illusion hand-beaded pieces add discreet luxury to urban-sports-inspired collection.

Have a nice day!

domenica 9 ottobre 2016

LFW: Edeline Lee SS17 Collection

Inspired by London city and the idea of the city give at the designer,  Edeline Lee SS17 was one of my favorite collection I saw during London Fashion Week.

"London is endlessly luxuries, yet homely and gimme at the same time. Everything you need in in London. You can get fed up and escape it. It's my definition of fun and I wanted to make a fun collection" Edeline Lee explained.

The collection is made of a three dimensional cotton some different colors as Ivory, Black, Red, Blue, Green, Rose, Saffron Yellow and Sky turquoise Blue.
The cutting and shapes are absolutely minimalist, as well as the colors and the texture.
the signature is dynamic yet sound.
impossibile not love it.

Have a nice day!!

mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

LFW: Xiao Li and Alice Archer SS17 Collection

Continuing with the first day of London Fashion Week, today it's time to show you Xiao Li and Alice Archer SS17 Collection.

Xiao Li SS17
Basic color like navy and light blue and geometric shape.
Lace details and simple elegance.
over-sized knitwear and humorous.
how can't love it?

Alice Archer SS17
Decadent embroideries draw inspiration from marine invertebrates; 
the color palette of rich feminine shades of lilac, reds, pinks, with and electrical green are drawn straight from the seabed.
the collection continues to evolve yet remain utterly luxurious and feminine, just like the Alice Archer woman.

Have a nice day!

domenica 2 ottobre 2016

LFW: Steven Tai and THREE FLOOR SS17 Collection

hello everyone and welcome back on my blog.
I absolutely have to begin with SS17 collection that I saw during London and Milan Fashion Week and first of all, I want to show Steven Tai and Three Floor SS17 Presentation, seen at Painting Room during the first day of London Fashion Week. 

Steven Tai SS17 Collection
The nerd, smiling or yawning in pale pastel blouses, was Steven Tai’s muse ever since the brand’s earliest days. 
A sense of ingenious innocence runs throughout, of pre-digital curiosity: like how the punch cards of the jacquard loom were conceptual precursor to the development of computer programming, Steven Tai’s collection is meticulous, cerebral and oddly poetic.

THREE FLOOR SS17 Collection
The new mood for SS17 begin looking at pioneer performers of the early dance movement.
The result is a collection that celebrates the modern woman, who heralds strength with honest fragility and femininity.
it's a dream state approach to dressing, transcending a mood for lightness and delicacy.

Have a nice day!

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