lunedì 16 maggio 2016

Must have of SS2016: leather jacket

good morning world.
how was your week end? Mine it was very nice and tomorrow, probably, I'll speak on the blog about an amazing art exhibition that I saw on Friday organized by Missoni at Fashion and Textile Museum.
By the way, today I want to share with you one of my favor outfit for the spring time.
do you like the leather jacket?
I think it is one of the most useful and gorgeous jacket that we can use, and I also think that it is a real must-have that every fashion addicted cannot don't miss it.
It is perfect for every occasion, and if you want you can use when you dress down or, also, when you are more formal. I love in a both situation.
for this outfit, perfect to spent time out around the city, I have chosen to wear leather jacket with black skinny trousers. I've also wore one of my favorite sweater of Petit Bateaux, perfect for this weather.
wath do you think about it?
I hope you like it;-)

6 commenti:

  1. 0 è la giacca perfetta per questo periodo!

  2. Io praticamente in questa mezza stagione non indosso altro..
    Bella la tua.
    Bacio Giulia

  3. Ne ho tre neri di pelle, adorooooo!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  4. Ne ho tre neri di pelle, adorooooo!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  5. Ne ho tre neri di pelle, adorooooo!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  6. Il capo perfetto per questo periodo. Io lo ne ho di vari colori.


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